






Challenges in Metasurface Optics: Designing, Prototyping, Manufacturing, and Scaling


Challenges in Metasurface Optics: Designing, Prototyping, Manufacturing, and Scaling


2024. 6. 3.(월), 13시~


박준서 박사(Harvard University)


KAIST 정보전자공학동 E3-2, 2201호(우리별세미나실)


[Seminar 개최안내]
 제목: Challenges in Metasurface Optics: Designing, Prototyping, Manufacturing, and Scaling
■ 일시: 2024. 6. 3.(월), 13시~
■ 장소: KAIST 정보전자공학동 E3-2, 2201호(우리별세미나실)
■ 연사: 박준서 박사(Harvard University)

Metasurface optics, which leverages sub-wavelength scale structures called meta-atoms to manipulate light, has enabled the scientific community to precisely and flexibly control light properties such as polarization, wave vector, wavelength, and amplitude. These advancements, grounded in solid physics principles and innovative ideas, are driven by progress in semiconductor manufacturing technology. This presentation will explore three critical aspects of this field, supported by proof-of-concept examples: design and prototyping, mass manufacturing, and scaling up metasurfaces.

First, I will discuss the prototyping of metasurfaces, highlighting the fabrication processes and design methods for meta-atoms. I will illustrate various design approaches, including propagation phase, geometric phase, structural birefringence, and structure-induced dispersion engineering, as well as the metasurface design itself. These early prototypes suggest a promising future for devices that are more efficient, compact, and cost-effective.

Next, I will address the challenges of transitioning from lab prototypes to mass manufacturing. To keep costs low, we often rely on conventional manufacturing platforms, which impose limitations such as material choices and tool compatibility. I will explore two main methods for mass production: deep-ultraviolet (DUV) lithography, commonly used in CMOS foundries, and roll-to-roll (R2R) nanoimprint lithography, which can produce large-area functional films.

Another challenge is the size limitation of metasurface devices made with current tools. I will present a 100 mm diameter, all-glass metasurface lens (metalens) for imaging celestial objects, discussing strategies to overcome these size limitations and the impact of fabrication errors on optical performance. Additionally, I will cover various characterization methods for large meta-optical devices and share imaging results of celestial objects.

In summary, this talk will emphasize the connection between theoretical principles and practical applications, highlighting the importance of collaboration among researchers, engineers, and scientists in advancing optical technology.