2025년 1월 박사자격시험 안내
* 박사자격시험은 매년 1월, 7월에 시행하며, 기한 이내 합격하지 못하면 제적됨 *
- 박사자격시험 응시기한
1) 2008년 이전 입학한 박사과정학생 – 3년 이내 응시
2) 2009년 이후 입학한 박사과정학생 – 1년 6개월 이내 응시
※ 전과한 학생의 경우 전과한 학기로부터 3학기 내 현 소속 학과의 자격시험에 합격하여야 함.
(이전 학과의 합격여부와는 관계없음)
- 자격시험 일정
구분 |
일시 |
제출처 |
비 고 |
원서접수 |
2024. 12. 9(월) ~ 12. 26(목) |
학부사무실 |
원서-학부사무실 제출 원서스캔본 – 담당자 이메일 제출 (ljk0902@kaist.ac.kr) |
서류심사 |
2025. 1월 중순 |
– |
최종합격자발표 |
2025. 1월 말경 |
개별 이메일 통보 |
* 원서 및 스캔본 모두 제출하여야 합니다.
- 제출서류
① 응시원서 1부(소정양식)
② 학위논문추진계획서 1부(소정양식)
③ 기타 실적(특허, 수상, 논문발표 실적 등 우수성 입증자료) (소정 양식)
- 서류심사 내용
항 목 |
배점 |
비 고 |
①학업성적※ |
50점 |
박사과정 재학 성적 |
②학위논문추진계획서 |
40점 |
박사자격시험 학위논문추진계획서 |
③기타 실적 |
10점 |
우수성 입증자료 |
계 |
100점 |
※ 누적평점 2.5/4.3 이하 및 직전학기 논문연구 성적이 U인 학생은 (학사경고에 해당) 서류심사시
자동 탈락됨.
Ph. D. Qualifying Examination in January 2025
- Who?
1) Doctoral Students who entered the KAIST in or before 2008
– Application within three years after entrance
– Doctoral Students who have not yet taken Ph.D. Qualifying Exam.
– Doctoral Students who have registered more than two semesters taking at least three classes
2) Doctoral Students who entered the KAIST in or after 2009
– Application within one and a half years after entrance
※ Students who have transferred must pass the qualification exam of the current
department within three semesters from the transferred semester.
- When?
1) Application forms must be submitted to administrative office of the School of Electrical
Submission Period: Dec 9(Mon) – 26(Thurs),
original application form : dept. office
scanned file(pdf) : by e-mail(ljk0902@kaist.ac.kr)
2) Evaluation of Ph. D Qualifying Exam. is being done in the middle of January 2025.
3) Qualified candidates will be announced at the end of January 2025.
- What to be submitted?
1) Application form (#attached file below)
2) Plan for dissertation (#attached file below)
3) Other achievements (#attached file below)
– A copy of the references that proof the applicants’ excellences such as patents, awards, and
Published papers)
- Allotted point
Item |
Point |
Document relative to each item |
50 |
Applicant’s GPA |
Plan for dissertation |
40 |
Plan for dissertation |
Other achievements |
10 |
References that proof the applicant’s excellence |
Total |
100 |
※ accumulated GPA of 2.5 or below / U grade of thesis research in the previous semester :
automatically eliminated during document evaluation
- Notes
– The Ph. D Qualifying examination is scheduled in January and July respectively.
– Those who don’t pass the Ph. D Qualifying Examination will be expelled from KAIST.
* Please submit an original application and a scanned copy respectively.