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Call for Spring 2019 GaTech ECE Dual Degree B.S. Program Application

KAIST EE – GaTech ECE B.S. Dual Degree Program Spring 2019 Outbound Students Application

Dual Degree Institutes

    School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST (KAIST, EE)

    School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (GaTech, ECE)

Application Deadline: No later than 24:00 July 22, 2018


  • Students in School of Electrical Engineering Sophomore (EE Students in 3rd year or higher can apply in principle)
  • GPA above 3.5/4.3
  • English proficiency test scores higher than following(Scored within 2 years): TOEFL PBT 560, CBT 220, IBT 83 / TOEIC 720 / TEPS 599 (Or similar or better English proficiency can be proved by documents)

Degree Requirements:

Participating students shall complete at their home institution and host institution approximately 2 years

(At least 4 semesters), fulfill graduation requirements of each institution.

※ This program cannot guarantee one’s graduation in 4 years, studying semesters can differ from student.

  Further guideline in detail may later be provided.

Required documents

1)     Application form (Attachment)

2)     Official Transcripts in English & Korean

3)     A letter of Recommendation

4)     English proficiency test report

5)     Curriculum Vitae (Free format, more or less A4 1 page length)

6)     Detailed study plan (Free format, more or less A4 1 page length)

7)     Course registration Plan (Attachment 3)

Documents submission & Inquiry

E-mail: (Sohyeon Ahn, Admin. Team, School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST)

Dual Degree Program Coordinators

KAIST: Prof. Dong Eui Chang, E-mail:

GaTech: Prof. Sung-Kyu Lim, E-mail:


Head, School of Electrical Engineering