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Dr. CheolJun Park appointed as an assistant professor at Kyung Hee University

Dr. CheolJun Park appointed as an assistant professor at Kyung Hee University


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KAIST EE graduate (BS, MS, and PhD) Dr. CheolJun Park from Prof. Yongdae Kim’s lab will join the School of Computing at Kyung Hee university as an Assistant Professor from the Fall of 2024.


Dr. CheolJun Park earned his Ph.D. degree with the topic of “A study on dynamic method for finding implementation vulnerabilities in cellular baseband” in 2024. 


During his degree, he worked on over-the-air security testing and reported several security vulnerabilities of cellular modems from companies like Qualcomm, Samsung, Google, which allow an attacker to eavesdrop on and manipulate data traffic, spoof a smartphone’s time, or trigger memory crashes. In addition to his research, Dr. Park interned with Qualcomm’s wireless security team. After receiving his Ph.D. degree in February 2024, he has continued his research work at the Prof. Yongdae Kim’ lab as a postdoctoral researcher.


His will continue to research in the fields of cellular and wireless security. 

Please give Dr. CheolJun Park a warm encouragement and congratulations.