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(Jun 29) Smart and Connected Bioelectronics for Health Monitoring and Human-Machine Interfaces


Smart and Connected Bioelectronics for Health Monitoring and Human-Machine Interfaces


2018.06.29 (Fri) 16:00-


Prof. W. Hong Yeo (Georgia Tech)


E19 #517


My research focuses on the fundamental and applied aspects of nanomechanics, biomolecular interactions, soft materials, and nano-microfabrication for nanoparticle biosensing and unusual electronic system development, with an emphasis on bio-interfaced translational nanoengineering. In this talk, I will discuss about recent research works on soft, wearable and implantable electronics which include biomimetic materials, mechanics designs, and system integration, aiming for advancing human healthcare and machine interfaces. Specifically, I will talk about some examples of wearable and implantable electronics for ergonomic human-machine interfaces, cardiovascular monitoring, hypertension management, and quantification of hemodynamics.


Dr. Yeo is a TEDx alumnus and biomechanical engineer. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor and the Director of Bio-Interfaced Translational Nanoengineering Group at Georgia Tech. Dr. Yeo received his BS in mechanical engineering from INHA University, Korea in 2003 and received his PhD in mechanical engineering and genome sciences at the University of Washington, Seattle in 2011. From 2011-2013, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Beckman Institute and Frederick Seitz Materials Research Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Yeo is a recipient of a number of awards, including Samsung Global Research Outreach Award, BMES Innovation and Career Development Award, Virginia Commercialization Award, NSF Summer Institute Fellowship, Notable Korean Scientist Awards, and Best Paper Awards at ASME.