Professor Joonmo Kim

In order for the students to become international talents, they must have more ambitions rather than settling down to the current states. They ought to read many books of various categories and also have discussions with various people to succeed in their fields of interest.




Suyoung Bang (Fellow EE student)

As a KAIST undergraduate student, I suggest that you participate in the URP program.
URP program can help you participate in various fields of research in laboratories, regardless of your undergraduate major. If you are planning on going to graduate school, URP can be a good opportunity to find out whether you have the aptitude for research, and also research area of most interest

Professor Youngsoo Shin

You should not set your path based on your currently obscure visions. This may sound like a cliché, but you should do whatever is fun to you and makes you motivated. If you are thinking about entering a graduate school, look back on your undergraduate courses, and pick out the subject with which you had the most fun studying – that subject that made you feel like you’ve accomplished something.
Frankly speaking, I do not believe that elites like you should worry so much about financial status. Therefore, do whatever pleases you. Prior to promptly deciding on your path, anticipate how you will feel about your job when you are 30 or 40 years old. If you can wake up every morning, content with your work, I believe that is the most success one can achieve in life.

Eukyoung Sung (Fellow EE student)

If you wish to broaden your academic horizon, I recommend that you study business management. Especially, if you are planning on starting a company, be sure to be familiar with accounting, economics, and business management. You could either take classes at KAIST or read books regarding the topics.
These are the basic knowledge one needs in order to easily understand how a company works, and how you should behave. Further, I suggest that you keep a close eye on international affairs.

Professor Sae-Young Chung

During my time at MIT, I came to realize that Korean students, especially the ones from KAIST, are outstanding and nothing short of the very best students at MIT. Judging by the qualities of the students, there should have been a number of Nobel Prize winners in Korea. But this is not the case. These outstanding students should keep their composure and look further into the future when developing new technologies. Students should conduct research based on fundamental theories, which are considered rather difficult, to increase their competitiveness. While KAIST students are outstanding in many ways, they should learn more to think outside of a box and regain their curiosity. KAIST should not be an institute for simply acquiring knowledge; rather, it should be a place where the students can learn to think creatively.

Prof. Takgon Kim

Prof. Byungjin Cho