1. 지원분야
Applications Engineer
*New product promotion
*Finding new product concept
*Writing technical document, preparing product test methods
*Providing demonstration and user’s guide
Technical support.’ ‘
*MS or BS in Electronic engineering
*3~5 years experience preferable, but not must’
Product Engineer
*Product’s test/characterization and failure analysis.
*Test program and test board artwork. ‘
‘*BS or above in Electronic engineering
*5 ~6 years Semi industry careers’
Technical Marketing
*System definition & development and create IP
*Technical trend competitor analysis
*NP characterization & Development
*NP technical tool development
*Technical Promotion of new products in Lighting product family to world wide region’
‘*BS or above in Electronic engineering
*5 ~6 years Semi industry careers
*Good English capability ‘
Business Marketing
*Regional business management, revenue, margin and channel business
*Regional pricing management
*New product and New business penetration and supporting regions
*Market and business analysis and report’
*BS or above
*Majored Electronics is preferable, but not must
*5 ~6 years Semi industry careers
*Good English capability ‘
Circuit Design Engieer ‘
*A Circuit designer for application specified
standard high voltage IC. ‘
*MS or BS in Electrical engineering
2. 필요서류
-. 이력서 (자기소개서 포함), 전공소개서 (석사 이상일 경우), 성적증명서 (학사/석사 신입일 경우) 스캔한 파일
3. 지원방법
-. 상기 서류를 PL HR Partner 남진욱 (jw.nam@fairchildsemi.co.kr) 에게 e-mail로 접수함.