






[Presto] Tech Seminar & Campus Recruiting

[Presto] Tech Seminar & Campus Recruiting

240415 TA Campus Recruiting KAIST 01 1 240415 TA Campus Recruiting General 04 1 240415 TA Campus Recruiting KAIST 02 1

Presto Campus Recruiting – Learn the way of Quant!Presto가 Tech seminar 및 Campus recruiting을 개최합니다.
현재 Presto의 Chief Research Officer이자, World Quant VP를 역임하신 정진혁 박사님께서 ‘The Way of Quant Trading’을 주제로 한 Tech Seminar를 진행합니다. 
또한, 10년 이상의 Quant Trading 경력을 쌓으신 Presto의 현 팀장님께서 ‘Math to Quant Trading: A Career Journey’을 주제로 함께 이야기나눌 예정입니다.
최신 기술 동향을 파악하고, 트레이더 및 채용 담당자와 직접 소통할 수 있는 특별한 기회를 놓치지 마세요.
* 사전 신청 부탁드립니다!

Presto is a world class quantitative trading firm made by a team of competition winning researchers, engineers and finance professionals who enjoy solving the most challenging real-world problems in finance.
Established in 2014, we build automated trading systems fueled by data-driven quantitative analysis to achieve stable and sustainable investment returns. Our engineering teams do what humans do best – create algorithmic decision processes in order to achieve what no human trader ever could in today’s fast-changing, complex financial world.Join us to discover the latest in technology trends and seize a special chance to engage directly with our renowned traders and recruiters in the industry!Website: https://www.prestolabs.io/
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