


이승한 박사과정, 국내 첫 ISQED 최우수논문상 수상

 우리학과 이승한, 정종필 박사과정 학생(지도교수 경종민 공저)이

 The International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) 2014(2014, March 3-5, Santa Clara, Calif.)에서

 “Runtime 3-D Stacked Cache Data Management for Energy Minimization of 3-D Chip-Multiprocessors“논문으로

 Best Paper Award를 수상하였습니다. 

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 ISQED 에 대한 소개 ;
 The International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) is the premier Electronic Design conference

 — bridges the gap between Electronic/Semiconductor ecosystem members providing electronic design tools,

 integrated circuit technologies, semiconductor technology,packaging, assembly & test to achieve design quality.

 ISQED is the leading conference for design for manufacturability (DFM) and quality (DFQ) issues.


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