Open Quantum Walks
Abstract: Open Quantum Walks (OQWs) are discrete time quantum random walks completely driven by dissipation. They were introduced as quantum analogues of classical Markov chains [S. Attal, F. Petruccione, C. Sabot, I. Sinayskiy, J. Stat. Phys. 147 (2012) 832]. OQWs have been shown to be useful for the implementation of quantum algorithms for dissipative quantum computing and quantum state engineering and to model quantum transport in biological systems. The connection between the rich dynamical behavior of OQWs and the corresponding microscopic system-environment models has been established. The microscopic derivation of an OQW as a reduced system [I. Sinayskiy, F. Petruccione, Open Syst. & Inf. Dyn. 20, 1340007 (2013)] allows to explain the dependance of the dynamical behavior of the OQW on the temperature and the coupling to the environment. Recently, a model of open quantum Brownian motion (OQBM) [M. Bauer, D. Bernard, A. Tilloy, Phys. Rev. A 88 (2013) 062340] was introduced as a scaling limit of Open Quantum Walks (OQWs). OQBM is a new type of quantum Brownian motion where the dynamics of the Brownian particle not only depends on the interactions with a thermal environment, but also depends on the state of the internal degrees of freedom of the Brownian particle. It is quite natural to derive both OQWs and OQBM by reduction from a microscopic Hamiltonian for a walker-environment system in a repeated interaction scheme.
IBM Q Experience
Abstract: In 2016 IBM established the first cloud-based quantum processor. This superconducting quantum computing system, the IBM Q Experience, was designed specifically for research and education, and provides a practical environment to develop and run small quantum algorithms. I overview this Q Experience’s hardware, starting with introducing to the superconducting qubit which the Q Experience system is based of, focusing on details of the latest 16-qubit version. I present some of IBM’s ongoing experimental efforts to reduce errors and cross-talk in the hardware, and demonstrate our new QISKIT software platform that enables quantum code developers to easily engage with the quantum processor.
Prof. Petruccione
Prof. Petruccione has received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Univ. of Freiburg i.Br. in 1988, where he got his “Habilitation.” In 2004 he joined the Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal as Professor of Theoretical Physics. In 2007, he was appointed as the South African Research Chair for Quantum Information Processing and Communication. He is a Deputy Director of the National Institute for Theoretical Physics and one of the leaders in quantum machine learning. He has co-authored a book, “The Theory of Open Quantum Systems.”
Dr. Hanhee Paik
Dr. Hanhee Paik received a B.S. and a M.S. in Physics at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, and a Ph.D. from the Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland, College Park with her thesis on the experimental superconducting quantum computing.
Through her research career, she has been focusing on developing novel superconducting quantum processor architecture and improving their performances. Dr. Paik pioneered the new design of a superconducting qubit where she used, for the first time, a single Josephson junction with macroscopic-scale shunt capacitor pads. The new qubit exhibited nearly two orders of magnitude longer coherence times (time a quantum computer can operate) than the prior state-of-art. Her research on the quantum processor design had a great impact on the superconducting quantum computing community by proving the true coherent nature of superconducting qubits, and pushed the boundary of the superconducting qubit coherence. She is a Research Staff Member at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center where she led the development of the 16-qubit superconducting quantum processor for IBM Q Experience. She is currently working on developing the next generation quantum computing processors.
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