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Alumni Interviews

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Alumni Interviews

Alumni Interviews

First Graduate of Korea Advanced Institute of Science Sunshin An Alumnus

For this fall issue of the EE Newsletter we conducted an interview with Prof. Sunshin An, a graduate from the first graduating class of the Department of Electrical Engineering in the Korea Advanced Institute of Science. For this interview, instead of focusing on Prof. An’s life after his graduation, we centered on his opinions on his alma mater as a graduate. We hope it helps the members of the Department of Electrical Engineering and it gives the readers a chance to reflect on themselves.

Q. Greetings, Professor, glad to make your acquaintance. I heard you wanted to tell us something through this ‘Alumni Interview.’

A. That is correct. I wish to say something to the students and professors of KAIST through this interview.

Q. I’m curious what you want to talk about.

A. Before I talk about it, I actually want to start by first asking you a question. Why do you think schools try to educate you?

Q. There are numerous possible reasons, but I think the reason is to cultivate talented minds to later contribute to society.

A. That’s a good answer, but I dont think it is enough to address the matter at its core. To start with the conclusion of my opinion, I think education is there to help build ‘intelligent self-sustainability.’