People & Life
Regular events
Spring Semester Events
Beginning of Semester Party
The beginning of semester party is held within 1 or 2 weeks after the semester begins. This is the very first event the freshmen of EE can attend and at this event, the newly elected sophomore student representatives are presented in front of the EE students and the professors.
Entering Students MT/OT
This event serves to promote friendship among the entering students. At the same time, orientation for giving information on the major courses, events, and facilities is held as well. The students get to participate in multiple games with their preassigned teammates and get acquainted with one another. This is the first event where the entering students get to make new friends.
Strawberry Party
In early April, when strawberries are in season, the strawberry party is held on the lawn in front the EE building. You can sit in a circle with your friends and enjoy strawberries and other snacks. The student president emcees various games and events, where the students can acquire prizes they can eat along with the strawberries.

Workshop is similar to MT in the sense that it is an overnight event. Nevertheless, many lectures and programs are prepared, and you get to spend much time much time with your fellow students and professors at a resort.

Welcome Party for the Entering Students
This welcome party is held for the entering students of EE to give detailed information on the current status, academic programs, major research topics of the Department of Electrical Engineering. After the lecture, the students get to dine with the professors and consult them on various topics.

Open Lab
This is the event where many graduate students from different laboratories explain their research topics and life as a graduate student. Students from other departments can participate as well, and refreshments are prepared at each laboratory.

Fall Semester Events
Fall Semester MT
This event serves to promote friendship among EE undergraduate students. The difference between the fall semester MT and spring semester MT is that the latter invites only the entering students, while the former invites every student from EE department. Many recreational activities are prepared.
Track Meet
The track meet is participated by both the undergraduate and graduate students of EE, and is begun with the finals of the soccer competition. The teams that proceed to the finals are decided through a series of preliminary contests. After the soccer competition, many games such as dodge ball are played, followed by a barbeque party and performance by EE band.

Sweatshirt, Baseball Jacket Design Contest
We hold a design contest for EE sweatshirts and baseball jackets, targeting the students from the department of electrical engineering and industrial design. We grant prize money to the students with the 1st and 2nd best designs. The 1st best design is then used to produce the sweatshirt and baseball jackets for the undergraduates.

Department Fair
This event is where the student representatives of EE give information to the 1st year students without any major. The information on the major courses, events, advantages of EE, and so forth can be helpful for the 1st year students when selecting a major.

Annual Events
Snack Event
During every exam period, we provide various snacks for the exhausted undergraduate students.
‘Saeteo’ Mission
Every month, in order to strengthen the solidarity, the department comes up with missions for each ‘Saeteo’ group. Upon completion, the groups are provided with money for a get-together. Through these events, you can promote friendship and exchange support regarding studies.