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Alumni Interviews

Alumni Interviews

Ticket Monster B2B Head of Strategic Planning Dong-hyeon Kim Alumnus

A change of tectonic scales is presenting itself in the online shopping industry with the introduction of the new shopping trend, social-commerce. It shows immense promise as it is a great way for consumers to purchase products at fractions of the price and companies to generate some word of mouth. Ticket Monster is a Korean company that brought the trend into the country, with all five founders in their twenties and the company being a huge success in only a year. Two out of the five founders are KAIST Electrical Engineering alumni and we had the opportunity to interview one of them.

Q. Please introduce yourself.

A. Glad to make your acquaintance. My name is Dong-hyeon Kim and I am from the class of ’03. I am currently working as the Head of B2B (Business-to-Business) Strategic Planning for Ticket Monster.