
Research Highlights

EE. Prof. Hye Won Chung has been selected as an IEEE Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecturer

정혜원 교수 이미지
<Professor Hye Won Chung>

Professor Hye Won Chung has been selected as a Distinguished Lecturer by the IEEE Information Theory Society (ITSOC).


The IEEE Information Theory Society is the largest and most prestigious organization in the field of information theory. Each year, it selects 5 leading researchers as Distinguished Lecturers, offering them the opportunity to deliver invited lectures across approximately 50 chapters worldwide for two years. This program allows society members to learn about the latest research trends and outstanding achievements while engaging directly with the Distinguished Lecturers.


그래프 매칭 연구 이미지
<An image representing graph matching research, which evaluates the similarity between two anonymized graphs, identifies one-to-one node correspondences, and expresses correlations between networks.>


Professor Hye Won Chung was recognized for her exceptional contributions to the fields of data science theory and data-efficient machine learning. She will serve as a Distinguished Lecturer from 2025 to 2026.


Furthermore, she has been invited to deliver a tutorial lecture titled “Graph Matching: Fundamental Limits and Efficient Algorithms” at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2024, the premier conference in information theory.