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Prof. Myung, Hyun’s research team develops ‘Dreamwalker’ technology that walks up stairs without seeing

1. 연구팀이 개발한 제어기 드림워크의 개요도


– Developed ‘Dreamwalk’, a walking robot control technology based on artificial intelligence deep reinforcement learning that can walk in atypical environments without visual and tactile information.
– Mass production of various types of quadrupedal ‘Dreamwalker’ robots using ‘Dreamwalk’ technology
– Expected to be utilized for exploration missions in atypical environments caused by disasters such as fires
A quadrupedal robot technology that can go up and down stairs and move without falling in uneven environments such as tree roots without the help of visual or tactile sensors in smoky disaster situations has been developed by domestic researchers.
A research team led by Professor Myung, Hyun of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Urban Robotics Laboratory, has developed a walking robot control technology that enables robust ‘blind locomotion’ in various unstructured environments.
The team has developed a technology called “DreamWaQ,” which is named for its ability to walk blindly, just as a person can wake up from sleep and walk to the bathroom in the dark with little visual assistance, and the robot equipped with this technology is called a “DreamWaQer.”
This technology can be used to create various types of quadrupedal robot DreamWalkers.
In addition to the laboratory environment, the DreamWaQer robot has demonstrated robust performance in a university campus environment with curbs and speed bumps, and in a field environment with tree roots and gravel, by overcoming steps of up to two-thirds of its height from the ground to its body when walking.
The team also found that the robot can walk stably at speeds as slow as 0.3 m/s and as fast as 1.0 m/s, regardless of the environment.  
The results of the study, which was led by Doctoral Candidate I Made Aswin Nahrendra and co-authored by Doctoral Candidate Byung Ho Yoo, have been accepted and will be presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), the world’s most prestigious conference on robotics, in London, UK, at the end of May. (Paper title: DreamWaQ: Learning Robust Quadrupedal Locomotion With Implicit Terrain Imagination via Deep Reinforcement Learning)
Videos of DreamWalker, a walking robot equipped with the developed DreamWaQ, can be viewed at the following addresses.
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1. 왼쪽부터 전기및전자공학부 명현 교수 이 마데 아스윈 나렌드라I Made Aswin Nahrendra 박사과정 유병
(From left) Prof. Myung, Hyun, Doctoral Candidate I Made Aswin Nahrendra, Doctoral Candidate  Byung Ho Yoo, and Doctoral Candidate  Min Ho Oh. In the foreground, Dreamwalker, a quadrupedal robot equipped with Dreamwalk technology.