






텍사스 A&M 대학교 박사 및 박사후연수생 채용

*Mechatronics and controls application to the energy system efficiency*

텍사스 A&M 대학교의 박사, 박사후연수생 채용을 안내드립니다.
분야는 advanced controls theory, controls & automation applications, fluid power, strong hands-on controls experimental experience, or mechatronics research in both design and hardware prototyping 이며,
합격자는 general research areas on mechatronics and controls application to the energy system efficiency 에 대하여 본교를 졸업하고 TAMU에서 tenure-track assistant professor를 시작할 예정인 Dr. Xingyong Song과 연구하게 됩니다.
관심 있는 지원자는 구체적인 CV (가능하다면 대표적인 영어 Publication의 전체 내용을 포함)를 하나의 PDF 파일로 songxy@tamu.edu 에 제출하시면 되고, 채용 공고 원문은 아래에 첨부하여 드립니다.

Controls & Mechatronics Ph.D and Postdoc Openings at TAMU

Multiple Ph.D Assistantships and PostDoc positions are available at Dwight Look College of Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station. Candidates are expected to have strong background in one or more of the following: advanced controls theory, controls & automation applications, fluid power, strong hands-on controls experimental experience, or mechatronics research in both design and hardware prototyping. For Ph.D assistantship, the applicants should first apply to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at TAMU, and the research assistantship may be available pending successful admission. Interested candidates should submit their detailed CV ( please also include the full copy of their representative English publications, if available ) in a single PDF file to Dr. Song at : songxy@tamu.edu

The selected candidates will work with Dr. Xingyong Song in the general research areas on mechatronics and controls application to the energy system efficiency ( such as clean and green automotive propulsion systems ), unconventional oil & gas exploration/production and renewable energy systems. Dr. Song will start a tenure-track assistant professor position at Department of Engineering Technology & Industrial Distribution with joint appointment at Department of Mechanical Engineering from August this year ( Personal profile will be available on TAMU website in August ). He got his Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and then gained over 4 years full-time industrial experience in two Fortune 500 companies ( 2 years at General Motors Research Center in Michigan and 2 years at Halliburton Energy (Oil&Gas) Service Company in Houston, Texas. ) His research works have strong emphasis on addressing the real world challenges and applications.

About the school: Texas A&M University, College Station is the flagship institution of the Texas A&M University System, the fourth-largest university in the United States and the largest university in Texas. Its engineering graduate school ranks 12th in the 2016 US news & world report ranking (http://gradschools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top engineering-schools/eng-rankings ). The university has one of the largest campuses in the States, which is located in a quiet and peaceful college town. The campus is about one and a half hour drive to the fourth largest city Houston, which is recognized as the US energy center and hosts more than 20 Fortune 500 companies.