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Alumni Interviews

RadioPulse CEO Sung Ho Wang Alumnus

Wireless networking technology is something that has become indispensable in our daily lives. RadioPulse is a company that develops applications based on one of those wireless communication technologies, Zigbee. Since its establishment in the April of 2003 by a fellow KAIST Electrical Engineering Alumnus, Dr. and CEO Sung Ho Wang, RadioPulse has been developing various technologies. For this spring issue of EE NEWSLETTER, we hope to introduce the technological developments of RadioPulse and a few words from its CEO and our alumnus, Dr. Wang.

Q. Please introduce yourself.

A. I come to KAIST in 1998 as a Ph.D. candidate and graduated in the February of 2003. I worked at LG Semicon before my enrollment in KAIST, started RadioPulse after graduating, and am currently the CEO of said company.

Q. Can you introduce RadioPulse to us?

A. Wireless communications have contributed a lot to our everyday lives. Our company designs and sells semiconductors used for wireless communications. Our major areas of application are remote controls, LED lighting control, smart energy, and Internet of Things (IoT).