Dr. Juho Lee, a postdoctoral researcher who graduated from Professor Yong-Hoon Kim’s lab in the School of Electrical Engineering, was awarded the Grand Prize for the IT fireld at the 11th S-Oil Best Paper Awards funded which jointly hosted by the Korea Academy of Sciences and Technology and the Association of Korean University Presidents and supported by S-Oil Science and Culture Foundation.
[Prof. Yong-Hoon Kim and Dr. Juho Lee, from left to right]
Award: Grand Prize – IT field: the 11th S-Oil Best Paper Awards (2021)
Title of the Paper: First-principles Calculation of Electric Enthalpy at Voltage-Applied Electrochemical Interfaces
Author: Dr. Juho Lee
Organizers: S-Oil Science and Culture Foundation, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology, Korean Association of Private University Presidents
Location of the Ceremony: S-Oil Headquarters, Auditorium, 3rd Floor
Time of the Ceremony: December 2nd, 2021

[Ceremony picture, Prof. Yong-Hoon Kim, Park Seongwoo Soil Vice president, Dr. Juho Lee, from left]
Dr. Juho Lee and his advisor Professor Yong-Hoon Kim were awarded the Grand Prize for the IT field at 11th S-Oil Best Paper Awards which is funded by the S-Oil Science and Culture Foundation (chairman Baek Woon Kyu, founded by CEO Hussain A. Al-Qahtani) on December 2nd at the auditorium at S-Oil Headquarters.
The S-Oil Best Paper Awards is created by The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (https://kast.or.kr) on the purpose pf nurturing young scientists in the basic science and engineering fields and encourage 21st century scientis leaders from 2011.
During the award ceremony, a total of 10 young scientists and their advisors in 5 fields were awarded 115 million KRW as research funding, and 5 next generation scientists were awarded 200 million KRW as research funding .
Dr. Juho Lee’s work on a novel quantum mechanical nano-device simulation and theory (title of the paper: First-principles Calculation of Electric Enthalpy at Voltage-Applied Electrochemical Interfaces) was recognized.
Meanwhile, the research related to Dr. Juho Lee and Prof. Yong-Hoon Kim was recently selected as one of the two best papers at the 2021 Korean Semiconductor Conference (KCS 2021).
(Thesis title: First-Principles Study of Vertical Van der Waals Heterojunction-Based Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors; http://kcs.cosar.or.kr/2022/awards.jsp).