Ph.D. candidate Simok Lee (Prof. Jae-Woong Jeong) wins Best Presentation Paper Award

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[Prof. Jae-Woong Jeong, Simok Lee, From Left ]


Ph.D. student Simok Lee (Advised by Jae-Woong Jeong) won the Best Paper Award at the 2022 Korean Sensors Society Autumn Conference.

The Korean Sensors Society Conference is a conference held every spring and fall, and this year, and this autumn conference was held in Yeosu from August 24th to 26th.

Ph.D. student Simok Lee has published a paper titled “Adaptive Electronic Skin with High Sensitivity and Large Bandwidth Based on Gallium Microdrop-Elastomer Composite”.

Details are follows. Congratulations once again to Ph.D. student Simok Lee and Professor Jae-Woong Jeong!


Conference: 2022 Korean Sensors Society Autumn Conference


Date: August 24-26, 2022


Award: Best Presentation Paper Award


Authors: Simok Lee, Sang-Hyuk Byun, Jae-Woong Jeong (Advisory Professor)


Paper Title: Adaptive Electronic Skin with High Sensitivity and Large Bandwidth based on Gallium Microdroplet-Elastomer Composite


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EE Prof. Rhu, Minsoo’s Team Build First-ever Privacy-aware A. I Semiconductor, Speeding Up the Differentially Private Learning Process

EE Professor Rhu, Minsoo’s Research Team Build First-ever Privacy-aware Artificial Intelligence Semiconductor, Speeding Up the Differentially Private Learning Process 3.6 Times Google’s TPUv3



[Professor Rhu, Minsoo]


EE Professor Rhu and his research team have taken artificial intelligence semiconductors a big leap forward in the application of differentially private machine learning. Professor Rhu’s team analyzed the bottleneck component in the differentially private machine learning performance and devised a semiconductor chip greatly improving differentially private machine learning application performance.

Professor Rhu’s artificial intelligence chip consists of, among others, a cross-product-based arithmetic unit and an addition tree-based post-processing arithmetic unit and is capable of 3.6 times faster machine learning process compared with that of Google’s TPUv3, today’s most widely used AI processor.

The new chip also boasts comparable performance to that of NVIDIA’s A100 GPU, even with 10 times less resources.


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[From left, Co-lead authors Park, Beomsik and Hwang, Ranggi; co-authors Yoon, Dongho and Choi, Yoonhyuk]


This work, with EE researchers Park, Beomsik and Hwang, Ranggi as co-first authors, will be presented as DiVa: An Accelerator for Differentially Private Machine Learning at the 55th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitectures (MICRO 2022), the premier research venue for computer architecture research coming October 1 through 5 in Chicago, USA.

Professor Rhu’s achievements have been reported in multiple press coverage.



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EE Prof. Myoungsoo Jung’s team develops the world’s first CXL2.0 based memory expanding platform


[Prof. Myoungsoo Jung, PHD candidate Donghyun Gouk, PHD candidate Miryeong Kwon, From left]
Our department’s Professor Myounsoo Jung’s research team has developed the world’s first CXL2.0 based freely scalable and direct accessible memory expanding platform DirectCXL.
The research team has demonstrated the large-size datacenter applicationon on the end-to-end memory expanding platform consisting CXL hardware prototype and operating system. Though a few of the memory vendors just showed a single memory device, it is the first to demonstrate the application on the full platform with operating system. Compared to conventional memory expanding system, DirectCXL shows 3x performance improvement in executing data center application and supports increasing the memory capacity greatly.
RDMA based memory expanding solution which is commonly used in data center can expand system’s memory by adding memory node which consist of CPU and memory. However, the RDMA solution degrades the performance and needs a substantial budget to add memory node with CPU. To address these problems, PCI express interface based new protocol called CXL which supports high performance and scalability has appeared, but memory vendors and academia fall on hard times in conducting the research into CXL.
To suggest the solution and cornerstone about CXL2.0 based memory expanding, Jung’s research team developed CXL memory device, host CXL processor and CXL network swith to expand system’s memory. They also developed Linux based CXL software module so that existing computer system can control these memory expanding platform. With our proposed DirectCXL, memory capacity can be scaled out freely without extra cost of computing resources. 
This work is expected to be utilized in a variety of ways, such as data centers and high-performance computing, as it can provide efficient memory expanding and high performance. 
The paper (Direct Access, High-Performance Memory Disaggregation with DirectCXL) was reported in July, 11th at ‘USENIX Annual Technical Conference, ATC, 2022’. 
In addition, the research was introduced to the UK top technology newspaper ‘The Next Platform’ with Microsoft and Meta(Facebook)( and will be presented in August 2nd/3rd at CXL forum in Flash Memory Summit. 
More information about ‘DirectCXL’ can be found at CAMELab website ( and the video about accelerating the machine learning based recommendation model from Meta(Facebook) is available at CAMELab YouTube (
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EE Prof. Song Min Kim’s Team Awarded ACM MobiSys ’22 Best Paper Award for Enabling Massive Connectivity in IoT


[Professor Song Min Kim and first author Kang Min Bae, from left to right]


On the 28th, School of EE professor Song Min Kim’s research team has announced that they have succeeded in creating the world’s first mmWave backscatter system for massive IoT connectivity.


The research, (OmniScatter: extreme sensitivity mmWave backscattering using commodity FMCW radar), led by Kang Min Bae as first author, was presented at ACM MobiSys 2022 this June, and was presented with the best paper award. This is meaningful as it marks the second consecutive year in which the best paper award was presented to a paper belonging to a research group at KAIST’s School of Electrical Engineering.


The backscatter technology described by this research team can greatly reduce the maintenance cost as it operates on ultra-lower power of less than 10 μW, being able to run on a single battery for more than 40 years.


By enabling connectivity on a scale that far exceeds the network density required by next gen communication technologies such as 5G and 6G, this system may serve as a great potential for serving as a stepping stone for the upcoming hyperconnected era.


“mmWave backscattering is a dreamlike technology that can run IoT devices on a large scale, which can drive massive communications at ultra-low power compared to any other technology,” said Professor Song Min Kim. “We hope that this technology will be actively used for the upcoming era of Internet of Things,” he added.


The research was made possible by the funding from Samsung Future Technology Development Project and the Institute for Information & Communication Technology Planning & Evalution.




[Fig 1. Tags used for massive IoT communications (as depicted by red triangles). Over 1100 tags are able to communicate simultaneously without any conflicts]





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EE Professor Jang, Min Seok’s Research Team Build New Platforms for Highly Compressed Polaritons

KAIST EE Prof. Jang, Min Seok and his research team succeed in observing strongly confined mid-infrared light propagating on monocrystalline gold with a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope (s-SNOM). 

It is highly applicable in next-generation optoelectronic devices development, with increasing the interaction between light and matter by confining the light in an atomically flat nanostructure. The study will be useful in advancing high-efficient nanophotonics and quantum computing.



[From left, Prof. Jang, Min Seok and Research Prof. Sergey Menabde]


KAIST announced on the July 18th that a joint research effort has succeeded in implementing a new platform for strongly confined light propagation in a low-dimensional material. This finding is expected to contribute to the development of next-generation optoelectronic devices development based on strong light-matter interactions.


Stacking atomically flat two-dimensional materials results in van der Waals crystals, which exhibit properties different from the original two-dimensional materials. Phonon-polaritons are the composite quasi-particles resulting from the polar dielectric ions’ oscillations coupling with electromagnetic waves. In particular, phonon-polaritons forming in van der Waals crystals placed on highly conductive metals have a high degree of compression. This is because the charges in the polariton crystals reflect in the underneath metal due to the image charge effect, and thus produce a new kind of polariton called image phonon-polaritons.


Light propagating as image phonon-polaritons may induce strong light-matter interactions, but their propagation is limited on rough metal surfaces and thus suffers low feasibility.


Prof. Jang said, “This work illustrates very well the advantages of image polaritons, especially image phonon-polaritons. Image phonon-polaritons exhibit low loss and strong light-matter interactions useful in the development of next-generation optoelectronic devices.” He then added that he hopes to advance the commercialization of high-efficiency nanophotonic devices, including in metasurfaces, optical switches, and optical sensors.


This work, first-authored by Research Prof. Sergey Menabde, was published in Science Advances on the July 13th. It has been supported by Samsung Science & Technology Foundation and the National Research Foundation of Korea, as well as Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Villum Foundation of Denmark.



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Fig. 1 Nanotip used in measuring the image phonon-polaritons traveling in h-BN in super-high resolution

KAIST EE Prof. Myoungsoo Jung’s team, Memorable Paper Award from NVMW

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[Prof. Myoungsoo Jung, Miryeong Kwon , Donghyun Gouk, from left]


KAIST EE department’s Professor Myoungsoo Jung’s research team(Miryeong Kwon — first author, Donghyun Gouk, Sangwon Lee) has won the Memorable Paper Award from NVMW (Non-Volatile Memories Workshop) 2022 for their paper “HolisticGNN: Geometric Deep Learning Engines for Computational SSDs”.
The NVMW memorable paper award is one of the prestige awards in non-volatile memory areas. It selects two papers published in the past two years in top-tier venues and journals such as OSDI, SOSP, FAST, ISCA, MICRO, ASPLOS, and ATC. Among them, NVMW committee members not only examine the quality of all the top venue papers and corresponding presentations, but also check the significant impact on non-volatile memory research fields. 
Founded in 2010, NVMW is a non-volatile memory workshop held annually by the Center for Memory and Recording Research(CMRR) and Non-Volatile Systems Laboratory (NVSL). For the past 13 years, there have been nine NVMW memorable paper awards. 
PhD candidate Miryeong Kwon (Advised by Myoungsoo Jung) has published a paper titled “HolisticGNN: Geometric Deep Learning Engines for Computational SSDs” and was selected as a winner for its excellence among all the candidates this year, and she also got $1000 cash prize. It is the first award that KAIST has achieved.
This work deals with in-storage processing for large-scale GNN (graph neural network), utilizing an FPGA based computational SSD (CSSD) architecture and machine learning framework. Basically, it performs preprocessing of GNN in storage such as graph conversion, sampling, etc., and accelerates inference procedures over reconfigurable hardware. The team fabricates HolisticGNN’s hardware RTL and implements its software on an FPGA-based CSSD as well.
The research was supported by the Samsung Science & Technology Foundation. More information on this paper can be found at
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EE Prof. Yoo, Chang Dong and Kweon, In So ’s team Give Oral Presentation at ECCV 2022

Title: EE Professor Yoo, Chang Dong and  Kweon, In So ’s Research Team Give Oral Presentation on Self-supervised Learning at ECCV 2022

KAIST EE Prof. Yoo, Chang Dong and Kweon, In So’s team conducted a joint research and proposed a self-supervised learning method that is remarkably robust and performs well with even only a small volume of labeled data.

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<(From left) EE Professors Yoo, Chang Dong and Kweon, In So and Researchers Chaoning Zhang and Kang Zhang>

ECCV began in 1990 and has since focused on introducing the latest findings in artificial intelligence and machine learning research on vision and signal processing. It has long been a renowned conference on computer vision and deep learning, and its 2022 rendition gathered 5,803 submissions, only 1,650 (28%) of which have had the honor of being accepted, and merely a select 158 (2.7%) of the accepts given the opportunity for an oral presentation.

The team’s findings titled “Decoupled Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Self-supervised Adversarial Robustness” earned the oral presentation honor and will be presented on Oct. 23, 2022 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

While artificial intelligence is making progress in various domains, it has yet to win full trust from humans. Reliable learning should encompass learning from little data as well as robust learning, and attempts at this objective have been made with combining self-supervised learning and adversarial learning. This work utilizes distillation methods to efficiently put together the two and proposed an adversarial learning framework capable of self-supervised learning without labels.

The paper outlining these findings has been selected as an ECCV Oral Presentation (acceptance rate 2.7%) work. The work is a joint endeavor by Professors Yoo, Chang Dong and Kweon, In So, and their team, and it promises exciting opportunities for providing high-performance services based on robust artificial intelligence learning from little data.

This research is supported by IITP by MSIT.


EE Prof.Sung-Ju Lee ‘s team announced the method for speeding up Federated Learning in ACM MobiSys 2022

KAIST EE Prof.Sung-Ju Lee ‘s team announced the method for speeding up Federated Learning in ACM MobiSys 2022
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[Prof. Sung-Ju Lee, Jaemin Shin (KAIST PhD Candidate),  Prof. Yunxin Liu of  Tsinghua University , Prof. Yuanchun Li  of  Tsinghua University, from left]


The research team led by Prof. Sung-Ju Lee of KAIST has published a paper “FedBalancer: Data and Pace Control for Efficient Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Clients” at ACM MobiSys (International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services) 2022. Founded in 2003, MobiSys has been a premier conference on Mobile Computing and Systems. This year, 38 out of 176 submitted papers have been accepted to be presented at the conference. 


Jaemin Shin (KAIST PhD Candidate) was the lead author, and this work was in collaboration with Tsinghua University in China (Professors Yuanchun Li and Yunxin Liu participated).


Federated Learning is a recent machine learning paradigm proposed by Google that trains on a large corpus of private user data without collecting them. The authors developed a systematic federated learning framework that accelerates the global learning process of federated learning. The new framework actively measures the contribution of each training sample of clients and selects the optimal samples to optimize the training process. The authors also included an adaptive deadline control scheme with varying training data, and achieved 4.5 times speedup in global learning process without sacrificing the model accuracy.


Prof. Lee stated that “Federated learning is an important technology used by many top companies. With the accelerated training time achieved by this research, it has become even more attractive for real deployments. Moreover, our technology has shown to work well in different domains such as computer vision, natural language processing, and human activity recognition.”


This research was supported in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) of Korea.

Prof. Jun-Bo Yoon’s team selected as ACS Nano 2022 Supplementary cover paper for develpment of highly reliable wireless Hydrogen gas sensor


TITLE: EE Professor Jun-Bo Yoon’s research team developed a highly sensitive and reliable wireless Hydrogen gas sensor through phase-transition-inhibited Pd nanowires, and is selected as a supplementary cover paper.
A research team consisting of KAIST’s School of Electrical Engineering Professor Jun-Bo Yoon and Busan National University’s Professor Min-Ho Seo (KAIST Ph.D graduate) has developed a method for wireless and linear Hydrogen detection with high sensitivity, and the paper was accepted to ACS Nano 2022 (Min-Seung Jo as the first author). The research team successfully built a sensor that exhibits high sensing linearity and stable sensitivity over Hydrogen gas concentrations of 0~4% using 3-dimensional Pd nanowire structures that exhibit Pd phase-transition-inhibitions. 
*Phase-transition: physical processes of transition between a state of a medium (such as solid, liquid, and gas phase) used in chemistry and thermodynamics
The research, led by a Ph.D candidate student Min-Seung Jo as the first author, has been published in a well-known international journal ACS Nano on May 2022. (Paper: Wireless and Linear Hydrogen Detection up to 4% with High Sensitivity through Phase-Transition-Inhibited Pd Nanowires) (
Hydrogen gas has gaining attention as the next generation environmentally friendly energy carrier due to its high combustion energy and the generation of water as the sole byproduct. However, the use of Hydrogen gas requires strict supervision as the gas is flammable and explosive at concentrations above 4% in air.
Among various Hydrogen gas sensing materials, palladium (Pd) is known to be very appealing not only for its simple mechanism of change in electrical resistance by reacting with the Hydrogen gas, but also very stable as there are no byproducts during the reaction. However, when Pd is exposed to over over 2% H2 concentration, phase transition occurs which results in limitations of concentration range for detection, delay in reaction time, and impairment of durability, and does not meet the basic requirements of being able to detect H2 concentrations of up to 4%.
To solve this issue, the research team designed and manufactured a new Pd nanostructure in which the chemical potential can be reduced that leads to a lower free energy of phase transition. The new sensor was successfully able to detect H2 concentrations of 0.1~4% with 98.9% linearity. The team also demonstrated a sensor system that wirelessly detects H2 through by incorporating the sensor with BLE (Bluetooth low energy), 3D printing, and an Android application, and it was able to reliably detect H2 leakage with a smartphone or a PC even when located 20 meters away from the sensor. This research is significant in that it was a successful attempt at building a reliable Pd-based H2 sensor that can detect H2 concentrations of over 2%, which was previously difficult to produce. In particular, it is expected that this sensor will be used for safety management in the future where Hydrogen-based clean energy is prevalent. 
Korean newpapers share this news 28th June.
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EE Ph.D. Candidate Sangmin Lee and Sungjune Park (Prof. Yong Man Ro) win Ad-hoc Video Search in VBS 2022


(Prof. Yong Man Ro, Sangmin Lee, Sungjune Park,  from left)


Ph.D. Candidate Sangmin Lee and Sungjune Park (Prof. Yong Man Ro’s Lab) won the 1st place in the Ad-hoc Video Search (AVS) section of the 11th Video Browser Showdown (VBS 2022).


VBS is the international video retrieval competition held annually, and this year VBS 2022 is the 11th competition.


This year’s competition was held at Vietnam Phú Quốc for two days from June 6th to 7th, with 16 finalized video search teams from around the world.


The Ad-hoc Video Search section is to find as exact videos for given querys out of 2.5 million videos.

Sangmin Lee and Sungjune Park won the first place by constructing a multimodal search engine based on deep learning, which effectively searches target videos through the multi-modal correspondences of visual-audio-language latent representations.


The core algorithm adopted in the search engine, novel visual-audio representation learning method will be presented at CVPR 2022, the top tier conference in computer vision and AI field.


The title of the paper is “Weakly Paired Associative Learning for Sound and Image Representations via Bimodal Associative Memory”.


– Competition: 11th Video Browser Showdown 2022

– Award: Best AVS (1st place winner in Ad-hoc Video Search)

– Recipient: Sangmin Lee, Sungjune Park, Yong Man Ro (Advisory Professor)