M.S Course Seoyeon Jang won the Best Paper Award in RiTA 2023

M.S Course Seoyeon Jang won the Best Paper Award in RiTA 2023


RiTA2023 수상

Seoyeon Jang, Minho Oh, Byeongho Yu, Seungjae lee, I Made Aswin Nahrendra, and Hyungtae Lim received the Best Paper Award at the Int’l Conf. on RiTA (Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications) 2023 held in Taicang, Dec. 6-8, 2023.


-Conference: The 11th International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (RiTA 2023)

-Date: December 6-8, 2023

-Venue: XJTLU Entrepreneur College, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Taicang, China

-Award: Best Paper Award

-Authors: Seoyeon Jang, Minho Oh, Byeongho Yu, Seungjae lee, I Made Aswin Nahrendra, Hyungtae Lim, and Hyun Myung (Advisory Professor)

-Paper Title: TOSS: Real-time Tracking and Moving Object Segmentation for Static Scene Mapping                                          


Professor Hoi-Jun Yoo was elected as the 7th Chairman of the Institute of Semiconductor Engineers

Professor Hoi-Jun Yoo was elected as the 7th Chairman of the Institute of Semiconductor Engineers


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[Prof. Hoi-Jun Yoo ]


Professor Hoi-Jun Yoo was elected as the 7th Chairman of the Institute of Semiconductor Engineers.
Congratulations on the big news, and we sincerely appreciate his effort and contribution to EE all the time.
FYI) https://www.etnews.com/20231211000068

Professor Cho SeongHwan receives ‘2023 Hae-dong Semiconductor Engineering Award from Institute of Semiconductor Engineers’

Professor Cho SeongHwan receives ‘2023 Hae-dong Semiconductor Engineering Award from Institute of Semiconductor Engineers’


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<Professor Cho SeongHwan>
Professor Cho SeongHwan received 2023 Hae-dong Semiconductor Engineering Award from Institute of Semiconductor Engineers.
Congratulations on the big news, and we are extremely grateful for his effort and contributions to EE.
Professor Cho SeongHwan has been conducting research in analog integrated circuits, making significant contributions to the domestic and international technological advancements in this field.
While producing numerous outstanding papers in traditional analog circuits, Professor Cho SeongHwan also conducted unique researches such as time-based circuits to overcome low voltage and employing CMOS processes for sensing components rather than computational components. His relentless efforts in such innovative research have made numerous breakthroughs in the field.
The citation count for Professor Cho SeongHwan’s papers on analog circuits exceeds 3,000 citations, and he has received prestigious awards, including the IEEE Circuits & Systems Society Best Paper Award and the ISSCC Outstanding Far-East Paper Award.
His outstanding research was acknowledged by people in his field, as he served as an associate editor for IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems-I, TPC Chair for the IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference., and SSCS Distinguished Lecturer.
Furthermore, Professor Cho SeongHwan has been contributing to the development of semiconductor education in Korea for 20 years through his voluntary work at IDEC. Especially, he introduced the sub-MPW system, enhancing accessibility to MPW (Multi-Project Wafer) for domestic universities to help students.
* Catalog attached.


Prof. Hyun Myung Receives Academic Awards from Korea Robotics Society and ICROS

Prof. Hyun Myung Receives Academic Awards from Korea Robotics Society and ICROS


<Professor Hyun Myung>

Professor Hyun Myung from the School of Electrical Engineering has received academic awards from two major domestic robotics societies, the Korea Robotics Society and the ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics and Systems).


Professor Hyun Myung was awarded the academic award at the regular meeting of the Korea Robotics Society, held at the SC Convention in Seoul on December 1st.

The Korea Robotics Society’s academic award is the most prestigious award given by the society at the end of each year.

It is awarded to a researcher who has made outstanding contributions to the development of domestic and international robotics technology and related fields through innovative research achievements and publication activities.


Professor Hyun Myung’s research team has published over 100 SCI papers and presented more than 300 international conference papers in the field of autonomous robot navigation.

Additionally, they received recognition for their excellent achievements, including winning the Autonomous Quadruped Robot Competition at the 2023 IEEE ICRA (International Conference on Robotics and Automation) held in London, UK, and being double-crowned champion of the HILTI SLAM Challenge.


Furthermore, Professor Hyun Myung was honored with the IEEE Academic Activity Award at the regular meeting of the ICROS (Institute for Control, Robotics and Systems) held at the Venezia Hotel in Yeosu on October 19th.

The IEEE Academic Activity Award is one of six academic awards presented annually by ICROS and is awarded to researchers who have demonstrated outstanding IEEE-related academic activities.

Professor Hyun Myung received this award in recognition of his achievements this year, including winning the IEEE ICRA Autonomous Quadruped Robot Competition and achieving double championships in the HILTI SLAM Challenge.



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<Academic Award & IEEE Academic Acitivity Award>



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<Award Ceremony, Korean Robotics Society>


/Reference/ Robot News (December 5, 2023): “Completion of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Korean Robotics Society”


Professor Lee Si-Hyeon Selected as Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Information Theory Society

Professor Lee Si-Hyeon Selected as Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Information Theory Society

<Professor Lee Si-Hyeon>
Professor Lee Si-Hyeon from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering has been selected as a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Information Theory Society (ITSoc). She will serve the role for two years starting from 2024.
Every year, the IEEE ITSoc selects a few world-renowned scholars in the field of information theory as Distinguished Lecturers.
They support invited lectures in chapters around the world, providing society members and the general public with the latest research trends and an opportunity to directly communicate with the Distinguished Lecturers.
Professor Lee Si-Hyeon was selected as a Distinguished Lecturer in recognition of her excellence in research on network information theory and statistical inference.
Recently, she was also appointed as the TPC Co-Chair for the IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2024, one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of information theory.
The list of IEEE ITSoc Distinguished Lecturers can be found at the link below.
Link: https://www.itsoc.org/resources/dlp


Kim Minje, PhD Candidate in Professor Choi Junil’s Research Lab at the Department of EE, Awarded the 15th ICT Paper Competition Grand Exhibition

Kim Minje, PhD Candidate in Professor Choi Junil’s Research Lab at the Department of EE, Awarded the 15th ICT Paper Competition Grand Exhibition


<Professor Choi Junil and Ph.D. candidate Kim Minje>


Professor Choi Junil’s research lab at the Department of EE congratulates doctoral candidate Kim Minje for receiving an excellence award at the 15th ICT Paper Competition Grand Exhibition, hosted by the Electronic Newspaper, Web Keshi Group, and the Software Credit Union.


Over the past five years, professor Choi Junil’s research team has been recognized with outstanding awards, including the highest honors and excellence awards, in the ICT Paper Competition Grand Exhibition.


The research by PhD candidate Kim Minje, titled “Meta-Heuristic Fronthaul Bit Allocation for Cell-free Massive MIMO Systems,” proposes an algorithm to efficiently solve the problem of distributing front-haul link capacity in Cell-free multi-antenna systems.


This research suggests a technology that can effectively reduce the computational workload of central processing units (CPUs), which rapidly increases with the growing number of terminals and access points (APs).


Link:  https://www.etnews.com/20231117000193



Ph.D. candidate Sunjae Yoon (Prof. Chang D. Yoo) wins Best Paper Award

Ph.D. candidate Sunjae Yoon (Prof. Chang D. Yoo) wins Best Paper Award


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<Professor Chang D. Yoo and Ph.D. candidate Sunjae Yoon>
Ph.D. candidate Sunjae Yoon from Professor Chang D. Yoo’s lab at our department won the Best Paper Award at the 2023 Korean Artificial Intelligence Association.
The Korean Artificial Intelligence Association holds conferences every spring and fall, and this academic conference was held by Naver from November 23 to 25, 2023.
Ph.D. candidate Sunjae Yoon presented a paper titled ‘Pivotal Prompt Tuning for Video Dynamic Editing’ and was selected as the award recipient in recognition of its excellence.
The detailed information is as follows:
 * Conference Name: 2023 Fall Conference of the Korean Artificial Intelligence Association
 * Period: November 23 to 25, 2023
 * Award Name: Best Paper Award
 * Authors: Sunjae Yoon, Gwanhyeong Koo, Ji Woo Hong, Hee Suk Yoon, Chang D. Yoo (Supervising Professor)
 * Paper Title: Pivotal Prompt Tuning for Video Dynamic Editing
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Prof. Myoungsoo Jung’s research team develops DockerSSD, a smart SSD that can be utilized as independent server without computer

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 <ph.D Miryeong Kwon, Prof. Myoungsoo Jung, ph.D. candidate Donghyun Gouk and Hanyeoreum Bae>


Our department’s Professor Myoungsoo Jung’s research team has developed ‘DockerSSD,’ which allows storage devices to be utilized as independent server that processes data without computer.
The DockerSSD employs Docker, a widely used operating system-level virtualization software, to provide a complete environment for executing user-level applications.
Such a complete environment empowers the users to easily leverage Smart SSD technology.
The evaluation result showed that DockerSSD accelerates the execution by 2x and reduces the power consumption by 2x.
Smart SSD technology has been discussed for decades as a solution to accelerate data processing by minimizing data movement. To leverage Smart SSD’s advantage, there were numerous approaches from memory/storage vendors.
However, these approaches have not been widely deployed due to their poor usability. This is because the vendors did not want their internal hardware and software disclosed.
Instead, they have provided their internal environments through different interfaces, forcing applications to be modified to fit these interfaces.
To enhance the usability of Smart SSD technology, Prof. Jung’s research team developed DockerSSD, a new way of Smart SSD that employs Docker inside the storage device.
Docker is an operating system-level virtualization software that provides all the necessary environments for user applications running on the operating system. By leveraging Docker, DockerSSD can implement an environment used in a host within the storage device.
This allows users to run their application in storage, without being bounded by vendor-specific interfaces. Since this work relieves a significant burden on the users while providing high performance and high energy efficiency, the research team expects this work to be widely adopted in growing data centers.
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(picture 1 Docker SSD’s hardware prototype)
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(picture 2   Docker SSD’s logotype)

The KAIST Ph.D. Candidates (Donghyun Gouk, Miryeong Kwon, and Hanyeoreum Bae) participated in this research, and the paper (DockerSSD: Containerized In-Storage Processing and Hardware Acceleration for Computational SSDs) will be presented in March at ‘IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, (HPCA) 2024’ held in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The research was supported by Panmnesia(http://panmnesia.com) and Institute for Information and Communication Technology Promotion Planning and Evaluation(IITP).

More information on this paper can be found at CAMELab website (http://camelab.org)

This result has been reported by domestic media as followed.



ChosunBiz: https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/366/0000950506?sid=105
Donga Science: https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/584/0000025070?sid=105
Electronic Times: https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/030/0003160306?sid=102
AI Times: https://www.aitimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=29501
The Herald Business: https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/016/0002230110?sid=105
ZDNet Korea: https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/092/0002312851?sid=105
Naver: https://search.naver.com/search.naver?where=news&sm=tab_tnw&query=%EB%8F%84%EC%BB%A4ssd&nso=so:r,p:all,a:all&related=1&docid=4210007199396
Daum: https://search.daum.net/search?nil_suggest=btn&w=news&DA=SBC&cluster=y&q=%EB%8F%84%EC%BB%A4SSD+KAIST


Han Seung-jae (Ph.D candidate from Professor Yoon Young-Gyu’s lab) receives the Trainee Professional Development Award and the AKN Outstanding Research Award at Neuroscience 2023

Han Seung-jae (Ph.D candidate from Professor Yoon Young-Gyu’s lab) receives the Trainee Professional Development Award and the AKN Outstanding Research Award at Neuroscience 2023



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<Han Seung-jae ph.D candidate>


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<Award Ceremony>


Ph.D candidate Han Seung-jae from professor Yoon Young-Gyu’s lab, received the Trainee Professional Development Award and the IBS/AKN Pre-doctoral Award at Neuroscience 2023.

Neuroscience 2023 is a conference organized by the Society for Neuroscience, held in Washington DC, USA, from November 11th to 15th, with approximately 30,000 official participants.


The Trainee Professional Development Award is given to students who have shown outstanding research achievements in the field of neuroscience. Recipients have the opportunity to present their research findings through a separate poster session and engage in networking with other students in the field.

Additionally, the recipients receive benefits such as a $2,500 scholarship, waived conference registration fees, and participation in workshops provided by institutions.


The 2023 AKN Outstanding Research Award is presented by the Association of Korean Neuroscientists based on comprehensive neuroscience research achievements.

The pre-doctoral award was given to a total of five doctoral candidates. A prize of $400 and a certificate are awarded to the recipients. Han Seung-jae received sponsorship from the Institute for Basic Science while writing his paper for the award.


At this conference, Han Seung-jae presented research that was selected as the cover article for the October 2023 issue of Nature Methods (Title: “Statistically unbiased prediction enables accurate denoising of voltage imaging data”).

This research proposes an effective method for removing noise from fluorescence microscopy images using machine learning and demonstrates its effectiveness in various experimental environments.


Professor Jaewoong Jung’s lab has been selected for 2023 National Research and Development TOP 100

Professor Jaewoong Jung’s lab has been selected for 2023 National Research and Development TOP 100


연구실 썸네일

[Professor Jaewoong Jeong, Ph.D candidate Choong-yeon Kim]


The wireless brain control system technology developed by Professor Jung Jae-woong’s laboratory at KAIST has been finally selected for the ‘2023 National Research and Development TOP 100’ by the Ministry of Science and ICT.

The National Research and Development TOP 100 is a policy that selects outstanding national research and development achievements across various ministries and agencies, marking its 18th year this year.


In the current year, a total of 854 candidate achievements recommended by each ministry underwent evaluation by a selection evaluation committee consisting of 100 experts from industry, academia, and research institutions. With this evaluation, the final 100 outstanding achievements are selected after public verification.

Particularly noteworthy is that Professor Jung Jae-woong’s research outcome was also chosen as one of the ‘Top 10 Achievements in Social Problem Solving’ through nationwide online voting. 

The selected research involves the ‘Development of a Wireless Brain Control System Based on the Internet of Things for Brain Research Automation and Remote Treatment of Brain Diseases.’
It was carried out with the support of the Mid-Career Researcher Support Project by the Ministry of Science and ICT.

As the world enters the era of aging, the number of patients suffering from brain diseases such as Parkinson’s is rapidly increasing.

However, the pace of progress in brain research to elucidate brain function and cure brain diseases has not kept up with the increasing rate of patients.


In response, Professor Jung Jae-woong’s research team combined wireless neural implant technology with IoT technology.

They successfully developed the world’s first IoT-based high-efficiency brain control system that can remotely select and control dozens to hundreds of brains with transplanted wireless neural implants simultaneously, anywhere in the world.


This technology not only supports fully automated, low-cost, high-efficiency brain research but also demonstrates the possibility of remote implementation for the efficient treatment of brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, dementia, and epilepsy.

Thus, it presents a new vision for brain research and the brain disease treatment.


Ph.D candidate Kim Chung-yeon, a KAIST undergraduate alumni, participated as co-first author in the introduced paper. It was published in the most prestigious international journal ‘Nature Biomedical Engineering’ on June 20, 2022 (Paper Title: Scalable and modular wireless-network infrastructure for large-scale behavioural neuroscience).


For more detailed information related to this news, you can check the link below.
