The aims of this course are to make the student understand the principles and fundamental concepts of circuit analysis; to develop the student’s familiarity and understanding in modeling and analyzing circuits through a variety of real-world examples. Another important aim is to extend the student’s ability to apply system analysis to other branches of engineering.
This course is an introduction to continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. The course covers Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, and z-transform. Various types of systems with emphasis on linear time invariant system is studied.
This course covers introductory electromagnetic fields and waves. Static electric fields and static magnetic fields are discussed. Time-varying fields and Maxwell’s equations are introduced. Waves and transmission lines are studied.
This course is to provide EE students with understanding and ability for design and implementation of data structure for problems solving in the EE area using computer programming. It deals with information representation using data abstraction, object-oriented programming, Algorithm analysis. Basic data structures to be covered are Array and Linked list, Stack and Queue, Tree, Graph, Sorting, and Hashing. Applications of such basic structures in EE problems using C++ are also covered.
This course covers data structures, algorithms, JAVA for electron electronics engineering. We study object-oriented programming techniques and use programming language C, JAVA.
In this course, we discuss such various topics in probability theory and introductory random processes as probability, random variables, expectations, characteristic functions, random vectors, random processes, correlation functions, and power spectrum. From time to time, homework problems will be assigned, usually not for mandatory submission.
This course covers introductory material for semiconductor physics and semiconductor device physics. The course material starts from a discussion of crystal structure and progresses up to p-n junction. More specifically, the course covers the following topics: crystal structure of solids, principles of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger wave equation, energy band theory, statistical mechanics, carriers in semiconductors, extrinsic semiconductor-donors and acceptors, carrier drift, carrier diffusion, carrier generation and recombination, ambipolar transport equation, excess carrier lifetime, p-n junction – equilibrium, p-n junction & applications.
This is an introductory course on design for electrical engineers. Various topics in electrical engineering will be covered. This is course is suitable for second-semester sophomores who took some basic core courses in electrical engineering.
Much of the basic discrete mathematical tools useful in electrical and computer engineering will be presented, with applications. Students will learn actively the art of creating real-world proofs in these areas, preparing them for diverse regions of electrical and computer engineering such as communication, architecture, networking, algorithms, cryptography, etc.
This course allows students to learn and practice basic programming tools (e.g., Emacs, GCC, GDB, Git, and UNIX commands) in a Linux programming environment. It serves as a companion course to EE209, offering essential knowledge to successfully complete the programming assignments.