

Undergraduate Program


This course covers intermediate electromagnetic waves and antennas. Transmission line applications and waveguide fundamentals are introduced. Basic antenna theory is discussed. Antennas for wireless applications are further studied. (Prerequisite: EE204)



This course is designed to provide a cohesive overview of fundamental topics required for the design and analysis of RF stages of the modern wireless communication circuits, components, and systems.
(Prerequisite: EE204, EE304)

By introducing the basic theories and principles of geometrical/wave optics, diffraction, and optical waveguides, this course covers basic and fundamental concepts of optics and photonics. Working principles and recent applications of imaging and display systems will also be discussed.



In this course, we study in depth how the basic semiconductor devices operate. Various semiconductor devices are examined including a pn junction diode, a bipolar junction transistor (BJT), and two-field effect transistors (MOSFET, JFET). This course will also cover non-ideal effects in the real semiconductor devices.


This course covers basic concepts of fabrication, operation and design techniques related with CMOS integrated circuits based on combinational / sequential logic blocks for arithmetic, logic and memory blocks. Also covered are such issues as timing, interconnect and design methodologies.


This course will cover general methods for analysis and design of the dynamic system. The main contents include modeling in the frequency and time domain, time response, reduction of multiple subsystems, stability, steady-state error, root locus technique, frequency response technique, and design via frequency response and state-space.
(Prerequisite: EE202)


This course discusses the operational principles, analysis, modeling, and design of power conversion circuits in power electronics and carried out Spice simulations. (Prerequisite: EE202

This course is aimed at providing students with opportunities and skills for career planning and thus better preparing them for the future change in society by taking a look at technical trends in various areas of electrical engineering and the expected demands from the future society.



This course starts with the basic circuits for the design of BJT and CMOS amplifiers. The topics include the frequency response of amplifiers, feedback, an introduction to analog integrated circuits, various types of amplifier output stages, the study of an analog filter, oscillator, and signal generators. (Prerequisites: EE201, EE304)

Computer ∣ Circuit ∣ Communication ∣ Signal ∣ Wave ∣ Device

In this design experiment laboratory, knowledge learned in many other courses in this division are brought to bear on performing a project combining analog/digital and hardware/software. Hence, a chip stone design experiment will be performed, which establishes a synthesized application of undergraduate theory courses. For example, analog AM radio will be designed using various analog circuits, and voice recorder will be designed using Linux based embedded system.