This is the same course as EE969 M.S. Thesis Seminar but to be taken by Ph.D. students. In this seminar, Ph.D. candidates give talks on their research in the semester they do thesis defense. Ph.D. students taking this course can learn about various research topics performed in the department.
This course provides students with opportunity for industry experience for their advancement toward industry career. Students will conduct research activities, for 3 hours a week during spring and fall semesters (6 hours a week during summer and winter semesters), at the premise of the hosting company or institute that pursues industrialization of technologies (fulfilling ITRC Co-Op requirement). The advisor has to provide an arrangement with the hosting company or institute beforehand about the research topic at an advanced level of research toward industrialization.
This course provides students with opportunity for industry experience for their advancement toward industry career. Students will conduct research activities, for 3 hours a week during spring and fall semesters (6 hours a week during summer and winter semesters), at the premise of the hosting company or institute that pursues industrialization of technologies (fulfilling ITRC Co-Op requirement). The advisor has to provide an arrangement with the hosting company or institute beforehand about the research topic at an advanced level of research toward industrialization.
In this course, the student selects an advisor and a research topic, and conduct research for basic understanding and application of a specific topic in electrical engineering.